
This blog may contain swears

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Days

I was looking for my Resume and ended up wasting time looking through old computer files. I found this poem I wrote in 2004, 2nd year of uni. I called it Happy Days... What the hell, dark.

The worlds woe spills and gushes
Into a vast expanse that doesn’t care
Like water from a broken fish tank
Fish left lying dead on the floor
At first flapping about madly
Then slowing down
Life leaks from its small helpless body

Mindless chatter fills the room
Problems a plenty
But no one that cares to listen
Fake laughter runs clear
But is soon forgotten
Amongst the air so thick of pretense
Fake as plastic plants
Hideous and lifeless

An insurmountable heap of rubbish
All that can be seen, heard and felt for miles
There is no bringing back the dead
No finding the lost
No saving those in danger
No helping the weak and poor
All that was pure has gone forever

Putrid ash spills forth
Shit leaks into the world
Bins over flow
The sun is shining
But for how much longer?


Anonymous said...

Oh! the sweetly recognisable lament of uni student poetry.

They should publish a book of it. So much material...

Kate said...

Hahaha. Yeah. Terrible stuff, hell funny to reread at a later date.