
This blog may contain swears

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Running out of creative title names

I received and cashed my last Tim Hortons cheque today. I worked in total a little over a month = 25 shifts = 185 hours. I earnt $1438.27. I would earn that in two weeks of teaching…. Should have saved way more before I came here… oh well.

New job: going fairly well. Had my first camp on Thursday/Friday. Was pretty dang full on. Had no idea what I was really teaching. Really reconfirmed that teaching isn’t my fave thing in the world. It went okay, and at least it’s gonna be the same thing I’m teaching each week so I really get the hang of it. It’s still better than Tim Hortons. Kids are pretty dang funny. They had to build shelters in the forest in teams. This one kid wouldn’t give up his rope claiming that he was a boy scout and that he was sure they would need it later. One of his team mates got so frustrated he yelled “are you gonna marry it or something?!”… ahahah. Hell funny. Half the girls had hand sanitizer, and used it all the times… they’re gonna have such shit immune systems later. One girl had a mirror she carried around with her and all the other girls wanted to borrow it to check their hair… Jesus H! They’re 12! How did this happen.

Life’s getting a bit normal now. I’ve got weekly routines. Some of my old laziness has returned. Makes me glad that this job ends in June to force me to get off my arse and travel around. I’ll really miss living in this house though, it’s been really freakin ace so far.

People keep telling me that Montreal is freakin ace, so I reckon I wanna work there next summer. Force me to learn a bit of French maybe… (prob not).

I left Australia 81 days ago now. I still feel pretty good about being away, I hope that continues.

I’m building a bit of a reputation as being the small Aussie girl who swears a lot and says crude things. A big part of me really likes this. Another part of me things maybe I should make more of an effort to be less crude. I just find it so damn entertaining though.


Eric said...

Good to catch up thanks Kate. Glad you have found your secure routine but still try to make an effort while you are still there and have the opportunity. The crude reputation may be fun, but if (when) it passes, let it go, you still will be fun-loving (a 'dad' comment!) ...

Eric said...

Just started up my "new" Mac tonight - taken me ages to do it, stupid really ...