
This blog may contain swears

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My yeasty Vag

That’s right, I have a yeast infection… of the vagina. Unpleasant. I suspect that a lot of woman do, but that not many really talk about it. Apparently there are many causes:

- Increased pH of vagina
- Wearing non cotton underwear or pants that are too tight
- Poor diet
- Taking antibiotics
- Taking birth control pill
- Chemicals – soaps/dyes/perfumes (never use soap on your bits ladies)
- Hormones – pregnant women get it more often
- Weak immune system/stress

The treatment part seems like a real bitch. These are some options.

- Taking this one time pill, diflucan. I have tried that, it came back.
- Externally using anti fungal vagina creams, tried it, no good.
- Squeezing vag cream into applicator, sticking it up your bits and dispensing it all up there. Best to do this one before bed, it leaks out a bit, so better if horizontal, need to wear a pad (tried it, still yeasty)
- Whole bunch of herbal things like oil of oregano and grape seed extract
- taking probiotics like acidophilus
- changing diet, apparently the things that are worst for you to eat when you have a yeast infection are my favourite things: booze and sugar. A full on candida diet means no dairy, no gluten, no fruit, no sugar, no nuts, no beans. It’s prob easier to name the things you can eat:
eggs, meat with minimal fat – no bacon, veggies (not potatoes, corn, carrots, mushrooms).. Worst damn diet in the whole world. I’m gonna give it a go for 2 weeks. I’m doubting my ability to stick with it though, I’m not very good at the self control thing. Plus to me it seems like an unhealthy way to eat.

All of this was just found out from info on the net.

Damn you yeast. I hope this works.


Eric said...

Ummm... bad luck Kate! Sounds horrible. This explains why you were not well last week when you started your new job. Hope you rid the thing asap. Hows the new job going?

Kate said...

Hahah... nah, I had a cold last week, vag things been happening for ages.

New job is going as well as can be expected for low wages. Not minding it at all, much more relaxed than other jobs.

pocketpower said...

Thanks for bringing an annoying yet common vaginal issue into the light. Thrush happens to everyone. We women need to have a frank and open discussion. My aunt, a GP, said that the best thing is to use natural yoghurt. Kind of spoon it in there. Apparently the bacteria in it works better than anything that you'll get with a script. GOOD LUCK! XO