
This blog may contain swears

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Memoir of a wanking tramp

Can only do a quick post, off on the train to Nikko in a few mins.

Brief summary of things:

- Met tour group - all seem nice enough. Much different to last intrepid trip I went on. Last one was two families from Melbourne and two kiwi couples. This one = One couple, the rest single travellers, all a bit older than last one, I am the youngest! 4 girls and 6 boys.

- when I got off the train last night was with Jamie, the second youngest member of tour (27) and he said that we were about to go down homess ally, I thought he was joking, he wasn:t though. There were about 30 homeless people all lying down sleeping. Then when I looked down at one I noticed that he had his hands down his pants... jerkin it... terrible.

- woke up at about 7am this morning to my bed moving back and forwards, my first thought was that some bastard was having vigorous sex in the room next door. I then realised there was no room next door, it was infact an earth quake! Hoorah! Prob only lasted maybe 10 seconds. Pretty exciting though.

- Just saw mount fuji in the far distance from this very tall government building.

- Having a super excellent time, it`s everything I dreamed it would be! Hoorah!


Anonymous said...

You're in Japan one day and you experience a quake? So lucky. I was there like five months before I felt anything. Granted the one I felt was a seven pointer, so it was worth the wait.

I remember Nikkou really well. Tiny little Japanese town surrounded by mountains and the temple complex was stunning. The best part was the singing dragon ceiling. Three monkeys and sleeping cat were meh.

Glad you're going with a tour group. I went with some friends and even though two of us spoke Japanese we had a bit of a time finding the town and our accommodation.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... yes. The Kantou area is lighting up with a series of quakes. Fair bit of seismic activity actually.

A 4.7 in Chiba and 5.0 near Maebashi struck last week. The one you felt on Sunday morning was one of two. A 5.2 at 6.30am off the coast of Sendai (which would be too far for you to feel) was followed by a 5.7 at 7am further south.

The waves went side to side right? That's cause the epicenter wasn't close by. If the quake hit right underneath you, it would have been more violent, with up and down shaking.

Cam is a nerd.

Kate said...

Yeah, you're right, it was side to side. Nikko is so lovely looking, really cute little place. Loving it!

I didnt do sleeping cat, did the rest though!

Dragon was freakin awesome.

So glad to have a tour guide, everything would have taken so much longer and been so much more difficult other wise.

Anonymous said...

Photos! Cam wants to walk down memory lane.

Anonymous said...

Having trouble reading this on this computer - obvious some corruption/encryption problem - first paragraph reads OK up to "I am the youngest" then the rest of the text is square boxes for each character. Japanese keyboards? or a problem here - anyone else have this problem too?

Anonymous said...

Kate - Good to hear things going well but be careful of the cloths line & mirrors !! Earthquakes much less dangerous!
How was it getting from Tokyo airport to the motel on the first day - you said it looked complicated, particularly if you had to follow Japanese sign posts. Toyko weather on that day was 8-14 degrees and raining!! did you get wet?

Beck said...

Kate, I bet you are just freaking the poor Japanese people out. Gosh I would love to be a fly on the wall. I hope you've enjoyed the Japanese baths! Such a different but unreal experience. Ganbatte ne!

Anonymous said...

All text reads OK now ?!?#! I dont understand computers? Trip sounding great.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY today - Im sure this will be the the most different (and exciting) birthday ever !

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Kate!

Ben said...

Hey Kate, hope you got my email...

Check out my new sweet blog, got so photos of me pole climbing...


Good times